Things you need:
- Cain & Abel software
- puTTy ( To connect to the switch/router)
- Notepad++ (to understand config file easily. U can use notepad too)
Then click on + button at the top. It will prompt you to type Hostname/IP address. Type your default gateway / router IP there and set SNMP read/write to public or private. Public and private are the most used ones.
After that you will see text file in there. Open the text file, search for Cisco type 7 type password hash.
Copy the hash after "7" in the line "username xxxx 7 hash". Now open cain & abel, in the top you will see Cisco type-7 Password Decoder option. click on that and copy your hash to decode it. There you go, you got the password for the username mentioned above.
Now open puTTy and type the router IP/ gateway IP and login using the credentials. Boom! you are in :)
Failure reasons:
- The router does not have SNMP protocol configured in it.
- The SNMP community name is wrong. It is possible to bruteforce the SNMP community name through kali linux.
Right now most laws only apply to cyber threats such as hacking or death to hack text messages